Chapter 5: What Should Have Been My College Years
I had planned to move on to my next boyfriend chapter, but as I began writing it, I realized that I had some other things I needed to...
Deep Dive: My Boyfriends
I realize that I kind of skimmed over my boyfriend history in my previous high school posts, so let's take a deep dive now into that area...
Deep Dive: High School Choir
In my last post I gave you an overview of high school: Who my friends were, how we became friends, a little bit of who we were and what...
Chapter 4: The 80s
Surely there was no better time to be a teenager than the mid-80s. Back when mullets were cutting-edge New Wave hair cuts and...
Chapter 3: The Awkward Teen Years
I was looking for a good 80s lyric to title this post and seriously considered this one for a minute: "Out from the ruins, out from the...
Childhood: Chapter 2
Subtitle: The Mississippi Years When I was in sixth grade, our parents sat us down at Family Home Evening and told us that Dad was...
Childhood: Chapter 1
Usually once Marc Maron's guest talks about how they got into their line of work, he somehow wraps the conversation back around to the...
Psych 101
Okay, I promised y'all the Psch 101 story. So it's 1985. I'm 19. In my young foolishness (and resentment toward my mother...oh
Do It Up! (Boomer Lives!)
Every time I listen to Marc Maron's WTF podcast, I find myself answering his questions in my head and thinking, "I want Marc Maron to...
We're Not Gonna Pay
I guess everyone's talking about Rent Live today - many of them much more qualified to opine than me. But I do have some thoughts...